Bollywood actress Amisha Patel recently broke her silence regarding the persistent marriage rumors with Pakistani actor Imran Abbas. The 49-year-old actress took the opportunity in a recent interview to clarify the nature of her relationship with Imran Abbas, dismissing the ongoing speculations about their alleged marriage.
In her interview, Amisha Patel addressed the viral pictures of her and Imran Abbas, which had sparked widespread speculation about their potential wedding. She explained that these pictures had been circulating for the past two to three years, questioning if anyone had heard of a wedding happening during that time.
Amisha emphasized that the two of them often meet at social events, particularly those held abroad, and that they share a strong friendship. “We are good friends, and that’s all it is. People just want to create stories,” she stated, adding that it’s common for rumors to start when two people who get along are seen together.
The actress also acknowledged the tendency for rumors to spread when two people, especially good friends, are seen together in public. “If two good people are seen together, people start speculating about a relationship,” she remarked, further denying any truth to the rumors.
Amisha also shared her current relationship status, saying, “I am single, and so is Imran, so people have jumped to conclusions about our supposed marriage, which is completely unfounded. That’s why they are called rumors.”
The actress’s clarification comes as a relief to fans who had been eagerly awaiting confirmation about the rumored couple. Amisha Patel and Imran Abbas, who have worked together in various events, continue to maintain a professional friendship, putting to rest all the marriage speculation.
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