In a groundbreaking move, the World Bank has committed $40 billion to Pakistan under the 10-year Country Partnership Framework (CPF). This significant pledge, which includes both grants and loans, will support various sectors aimed at improving the nation’s long-term development and stability.

With a focus on sustainable growth, the CPF will target six core areas: reducing child stunting, addressing climate change, improving learning outcomes, ensuring access to clean water, and promoting both public resources and private investments. This partnership marks a major step forward in Pakistan’s drive to enhance its infrastructure and public service offerings.

The funding will also focus on increasing renewable energy capacity, boosting education opportunities for 12 million students, and improving healthcare services for 50 million citizens. Furthermore, the framework sets ambitious goals for increasing tax revenue and providing essential sanitation and family planning services to millions.

With 19 out of 24 directors voting in favor, this deal reflects a strong international consensus on supporting Pakistan’s efforts to build a more resilient and prosperous future.