In a significant move to empower students in Punjab, Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif has announced the timeline for the distribution of laptops under the Punjab Laptop Scheme. Speaking at the launch of the Honhaar Scholarship in Bahawalpur, she revealed that the first batch of laptops had arrived and would soon be distributed to deserving students.

The initiative aims to provide top-of-the-line devices, including Core i7, 13th-generation laptops, to deserving students across Punjab. This distribution is set to benefit thousands of top-performing students from both public and private institutions, with a special focus on empowering female students.

In addition to the laptop distribution, the Punjab government has set plans in motion to distribute electric bikes to 100,000 students, aiming to provide sustainable transportation options. Furthermore, the arrival of 27 electric buses in Karachi and an order for an additional 500 buses reflect the government’s commitment to promoting eco-friendly transportation.

Maryam Nawaz emphasized that these initiatives would contribute to reducing hatred and promoting unity in society by providing the youth with tools for a brighter, more inclusive future