In a heart-wrenching incident in Mandi Bahauddin, a fireworks explosion claimed the lives of at least six individuals, including four women, a child, and a man. The explosion occurred early in the morning, around the time when the affected families were still asleep. The blast resulted in the collapse of the house’s roof, as well as the neighboring structure, trapping the residents inside.

The authorities reported that the fireworks, which were improperly stored in the house, ignited, leading to the massive blast. Four family members who had been in the house where the fireworks were kept perished in the explosion, while two others from a nearby home—one a woman and the other a child—were also killed when their roof collapsed.

Emergency services swiftly responded to the disaster, transporting the deceased and the injured to nearby hospitals, including the Tehsil Headquarters Hospital in Phalia and the Rural Health Centre in Pahrianwali. The injured individuals, some in critical condition, are receiving treatment for various injuries sustained during the blast.

Rescue officials are investigating the exact cause of the explosion, but the presence of explosive materials at the residence is considered a key factor in this tragedy. The incident highlights the dangers of improperly handling or storing fireworks and other explosive substances, particularly in residential areas.

Local residents are in shock, and this tragic event has sparked discussions about the regulation of fireworks and the safety measures necessary to prevent such incidents in the future.

This disaster is another reminder of the importance of safety protocols in handling hazardous materials, especially around densely populated areas. Investigations into the circumstances surrounding this tragic event are ongoing, with authorities promising to take necessary actions to prevent future incidents.