Imran Khan, the founder of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), and his wife, Bushra Bibi, have formally challenged the verdict in the Toshakhana-II case in the Islamabad High Court (IHC). The couple filed an appeal against the trial court’s decision to reject their acquittal pleas. This comes after a ruling from Special Central Judge Shah Rukh Arjumand on November 14, which denied the couple’s request for acquittal in the case.

In a separate move, the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has also filed a petition in the Supreme Court challenging Bushra Bibi’s bail, alleging that it violates the Supreme Court’s guidelines.

The Toshakhana-II case centers on accusations that the former prime minister and his spouse misused state gifts. Both Khan and Bibi had previously been involved in a different legal matter regarding the Iddat case, where the court had sentenced them to seven years in prison